
Adezo is a reputable manufacturer of wooden doors that has been in business for more than 25 years. The company has its roots in the Nowy Sฤ…cz region, and its founder started his business in Wielopole, his hometown. Adezo specializes in manufacturing exterior and interior doors, including sliding doors.

Adezo's offer includes a wide range of models and colors, allowing customers to match doors to different architectural styles. The company focuses on the quality of materials and workmanship, using high-quality oak wood. Adezo doors feature excellent thermal insulation, which contributes to energy savings and indoor comfort.

Wooden Models

Adezo Premium Line

The Premium Collection from Adezo is an exclusive range of wooden doors, distinguished by the highest quality workmanship and unique design. It uses top-notch materials, such as selected wood species, to create doors with elegance and durability of the highest level.